whose side are you on

whose side are you on

Sunday, June 15, 2014

YYEEEHHAAAA....!!! Here Comes THE NOTORIOUS @Triomacan2000 Back...!!!

Good to see you around again masbray @Triomacan2000...!! Pake akun baru neh?
The Notorious @Triomacan2000 menjelma jadi @ronin1946... Kwakwakwkakwkak...

Hayuukk mari terus telanjangi mas Jokowi masbray.. Kwakwkakwkakwa...
Bikin @PartaiSocmed jadi tambah puyenk, berlanjut PMS-nya sampe taon depan brow... Kakakakaka...
Kalow perlu sampe pingsan karna esmosi tak tertahankan...

Anyway.. gud to see u around that fast!! Still notorious eh? That's your trade-mark!
The Notorious @Ronin1946. Dont ever change it!! N O T O R I O U S..!!!
You go brow...!! Hell yeaaahh...!!!

No-no-Notorious....Notorious. Ahhh...No-no-Notorious

I can't read about it
Burns the skin from your eyes
I'll do fine without it
Here's one you don't compromise
Lies come hard in disguise
They need to fight it out
Not wild about it
Lay your seedy judgments
Who says they're part of our lives?

You own the money
You control the witness
I'll leave you lonely
No monkey with the business
You pay the prophets (Jokowi) to justify your reasons
I heard your promise, but I don't believe it
That's why I'll do it again. No-no-Notorious

Girls (@partaisocmed) will keep the secrets (uhhh!!)
So long as boys (@ronin1946) make a noise

Fools run rings to break up
Something they'll never destroy
Grand Notorious slam.. (bam!!)
And who really gives a damn for a flaky bandit?
Don't ask me to bleed about it
I need this blood to survive

You own the money
You control the witness
I'll leave you lonely
No monkey with the business
You pay the prophets (Jokowi) to justify your reasons
I heard your promise, but I don't believe it
That's why I'll do it again.


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